For Infinity

Daily Prompt: A Bookish Choice
A literary – minded witch gives you a choice: with a flick of the wand, you can become either an obscure novelist whose work will be admired and studied by a select few for decades, or a popular paperback author whose books give pleasure to millions. Which do you choose?


Tough choice?

I will choose ……. Let me see …….

Okay ……..

I will settle for being an obscure novelist whose work will be admired and studied by a select few for decades.

It’s better the way I see it. A popular novelist is like a shooting star which makes its impact for a moment, and then disappears for forever from view. We all know it’s not a star even; it’s a meteor.

The other one is like a star which twinkles at you from the vast sky above. It reminds you that it is still shining, and giving light for endless time.

For I would like to remain in the sky
I wouldn’t like to fall down to obscurity
For I would like to shine for always
In the space above for infinity

4 thoughts on “For Infinity”

  1. I have always wanted to take others on the journey that I experience when I read. I would rather take millions (even thousands, maybe hundreds?) of sad kids and give them a chance to escape, than make a select few scratch their heads ;D


    1. Hey! It’s just a daily prompt. Nothing to be serious. I have seen many popular writers of paperbacks become obscure after a few years. Some were great while many were just…… They are now forgotten. I would like to be unforgettable, my choice, and I don’t know I will go which way.


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