Not Needed

Even seven words are not needed. Where there is a will there is a way. A lady (M) from Scotland used to stay at our home during winter months. She was teaching at a school in Murree, Pakistan. When the school closed for holidays, she would come and spend her time with us.

We had given her our guestroom free of any charges. Our paternal aunt whom we called Babo looked after us in absence of father. Babo only knew Pushto, and M spoke English. The language wasn’t a barrier between them. They carried on, each speaking their own language. 

They had devised a way to converse, and they understood each other perfectly. Sometimes when the spoken words weren’t enough, they resorted to sign language. In the process Babo learnt English, and M learnt Pushto.


Seven Wonders

Khalil Gibran once said that people will never understand one another unless language is reduced to seven words. What would your seven words be?

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