
Yesterday I had a shock. I eagerly searched for a number in my old phone diary. I waited to hear the voice of my friend, and learned to my horror she was no more. Knowing fully well that no one can escape death, I had never thought that she will die so soon. The person who talked to me didn’t know any details.

Another sad happening last year was the divorce of my son. It devastated him, and the children, but life goes on.

New years  come, and old years go

Those who were here had to go

Leaving memories sad behind

No tears can bring them back beside

Seeing my son’s heartbreak was a pain

Why did it happen was his agonized refrain 

There weren’t easy answers he could gain

His life got changed, nothing was the same

Life is fickle, life is short

In a moment all get lost

Gather joyful moments to your heart

In life’s journey they will last

(Sheen-January 2017)



Write a new post in response to today’s one-word prompt.

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