
As my yearly excursion to daughter draws nearer, I’m getting panicked. She wants me to spend the coming Eid with her. It’s still a month, and a half away. I wanted to beg her to let me off with visiting– but then she dropped a bombshell. She would be again moving further away. This was the deciding factor in buying a ticket to spend some time with her.

The thought of being subjected to the hassle at the airport throws me into panic. The only option left was traveling by road which is exhausting to say the least. 

The cartoons say it all.

Cartoons Credit: Google



Write a new post in response to today’s one-word prompt.

4 thoughts on “Panicked ”

  1. On my most recent flight, I got such a thorough pat-down. Even though the female TSA officer used the back of her hands, it was still ultra-uncomfortable. Ah well, they have to do their jobs. I hear it’s the most extreme security in Israel airports. Good thing I never fly that way.

    Hey, Sheen! Ya know, I was actually looking for your blog after I had come back to blogging again this year. So I’m really happy to be in touch with you again, dear!

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