
In my nightmares I am catapulted to the year I lived in uncle’s home. It wasn’t even a year, only ten months. When father died, my two younger brothers, sister and I were underage. The court granted custody to our older paternal uncle as a guardian. Our this uncle was married to our maternal aunt. 

I escaped uncle’s home by accepting marriage to my late husband, but my siblings had a prolonged, miserable living with uncle, and his family. Sometimes my sister, and I reminisce about those times in our lives. She has terrible nightmares, worse than me. 

In my dreams, I am back in uncle’s home. Aunt is glaring at me, and telling me off. The feelings of dread, and despair weighs down my heart, and I’m back to an unhappy existence.

I wake up, and feel totally disoriented, “Where am I?” Then the realization strikes that I am no longer living that life. I feel happy, and breathe a sigh of relief. It has been many years, but the dream still occurs. 

In my world sorrow, and happiness exists side by side.



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