The Google Help

Daily Prompt: Google And Rescue Operation
What was the last thing you searched for online? Why were you looking for it?


My poem to Google

For words, images and blogs
Google aids me in searching
I don’t remember what last I searched
For me Google is equivalent to breathing

It’s my best search engine
My mind feels at ease
Knowing Google is there to help
For knowledge and news for frees

I was searching for something I needed to find. I took my iPad to my son. He calls it, “Mama’s ID.” He is used to his own laptop. God knows what he did was to make Google disappear. I could only get to Google through Yahoo and I could only get certain pages. It was a big headache. I tried making Google my homepage but an error would occur.

Yesterday before my son left for office in the early hours I asked him back for my dear Google. He couldn’t do it. He hurriedly downloaded Google for me. So now I click the Google icon to get what I search for.
The Google Help
