The Last Time


I don’t have a book to my name yet. My daughter keeps on urging me. When will a book materialize, I simply don’t know. Here is an idea of a book:

Raffia had come to attend her brother’s marriage in the village. She had not wanted to come, but had no excuse not to attend her only brother’s wedding festivities. 

It was the morning of the wedding, and Raffia couldn’t be found. She wasn’t in her room. Tons of terrible thoughts assuaged her mother. “Now where she could be at this hour?”

This was the first time she had come to her parents’ home, after her marriage which took place nine months ago. She looked happy. Her parents were visibly relieved at her happiness. They had forcibly married her to a man of their choice.

And now she was missing.

Read the story “The Last Time”, and find out what happened to Raffia.


Write the blurb for the book jacket of the book you’d write, if only you had the time and inclination.

3 thoughts on “The Last Time”

    1. Thank you for liking the idea of my book. I don’t know when I am going to take the plunge. Writing a book requires time, and dedication, and I find myself lacking both.


      1. It truly does. With work, family- life it is difficult. I hate that I have so many ideas and I barely squeeze out one.

        Even now, a book I began last year is still in “editing” phase while I have three more book ideas, ugh, but we press on and get through it.

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