Weekly Rambling

Daily Prompt: ————-is the new ————-
Click over to your favorite blog, and pick out 4th and 14th words (that aren’t “the” or “an”). Drop them into this phrase: “………….. is the new …………….” There’s your post title.

I went over to my favorite blog, “She’s a Maineiac.” It’s Darla’s 19th Oct’s post.
The 4th word was ” weekly” and the 14th word was “rambling.”

I think I will do a rambling of a sort on weekly bases. This will give me time to attend to much needed work to be done. The Daily Post has me and countless others scrambling to write a post. Where as others are quick to respond to it, thinking aloud ……….. “How are they so ready to write?” the Poor Me wrack my brain inwardly and on the outside scratch my head repeatedly to come up with something. My hair start sticking up as I keep tapping at the grey matter to rescue me from my dreadful predicament.

Mornings I don’t go out. Why? “Oh! I have to answer the Daily Prompt.

The days when the Internet stops working seem hellish. I wait………. It’s a long wait most of the time. I have no inkling as what to write, and finally when I get to know, I keep wondering what to write. All the bloggers have finished long ago and I am the lone straggler. I am glued to the screen.
My son calls my iPad, “Mama’s identifying Symbol.”


My library books are piling up on the desk. After the three weeks period I return them unread. On the ironing board my clothes beckon me to iron them. When will I do the ironing? In the evening or maybe some other time.

My son is busy, I should go out and de head the roses so that they keep sprouting new buds. Look at me, I don’t have time for that.

My son has asked me to bake his favorite cake, A Date Cake. A few days earlier he bought walnuts for it. They are there lying on top of the fridge. They stare at me frigidly, whenever I am in the kitchen asking me silently, “Why am I not using them?”

My bed invites me to sleep but I am oblivious. I will catch up on sleep some other time.

What am I upto?

I am lost in the virtual world.

Weekly Rambling